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Taking the Train in Malaysia

If you've been wondering if the train is a suitable way to get around in Malaysia, you can stop wondering. Malaysia's train system, called KTMB, has been the subject of major upgrades the past several years and is now fully up to scratch to any modern railway system. Traveling by train in Malaysia is convenient, comfortable, not to mention speedy and cheap too.

Traffic jams no more

Best of all, when traveling by train, you won't have to worry about traffic jams, slippery roads, roads without night lighting etc. You can just sit back, in the knowledge that you're going to be on the straight and narrow from the moment you lean back to the moment you arrive at your destination. Is there any better way to travel?

Let's not forget that you'll also get to experience some pretty interesting locations every now and then. From retro kampong stations to old-school station platforms that are almost draped with vegetation whilst they're awaiting their turn to be refurbished and modernised. These are sights that are not to be missed, especially since they won't be there for much longer.

Panoramas galore

And of course you'll have tons and tons of awesome views right outside your window throughout your journeys. Skylines, lush tropical jungles, coastal stretches, Malaysia has it all.

If you've made up your mind and want to buy your train tickets now, then just use the booking form below.

Taking the train

NOTE: Peak season is . You can use above train booking form for train journeys for Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand
Use Google Maps to select your train stations of choice.

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