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Taxi to Mersing

When buses and coaches to Mersing are fully booked, typically the case during the busy July to August period, you can opt to go to Mersing by private vehicle.

These private vehicles come in all sizes, from simple and cheap passengers cars, to bigger and more comfortable MPV vehicles, right up to minibuses and larger private buses.

Convenient taxi arrival point: Mersing Harbour Centre
Convenient taxi arrival point: Mersing Harbour Centre

For your information, if you come from Singapore, then it's useful to know that passengers in regular sedans getting their passport checked do not have to exit the car to have their passport checked. Instead, passports are handed to the official at the vehicle passport control areas.

However, passengers in larger vehicles, such as buses, usually do have to disembark and subsequently queue at the passport control counters. What's more, all luggage must also be carried upstairs. So if you prefer convenience, then a passenger car is recommended.

Door-to-door comfort and convenience
Door-to-door comfort and convenience

Rates of taxis vary according to availability, size and of course your departure point, so inquire before you proceed with the actual booking.

Want to find out if there's a taxi available for your dates? Just send a quick inquiry here. Or use below form.

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