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Top 5 Mersing Attractions

The Greater Mersing Area has been growing in popularity exponentially in the past several years, the result of dozens of exciting new tourism attractions opening up to the public. Of course Tioman Island has been the crown jewel of the region for a decade or so and probably will remain the region's main draw for the years to come.

Indulgent wellness get-away? Tioman Spa will see you right
Indulgent wellness get-away? Tioman Spa will see you right

But it's no longer just sun, surf and sand that travelers to Tioman are after. Ever since a number of top-notch Spa and Wellness centres landed on the bounty island, visitors have wasted no time in relishing the various wholesome therapies and treatments offered.

Pulau Tioman: Ultimate Honeymoon Paradise
Pulau Tioman: Ultimate Honeymoon Paradise

Newly-weds too, can have a veritable blast in Tioman, given the unique services provided by In fact, so in-demand are the outfit's original offerings that bookings need to be made well in advance.

Incidentally, for your information, the Mersing Harbour Centre complex was officially opened not too long ago. It's a one-stop shop for anyone planning to go to Mersing, the surrounding region, or Tioman Island.

Mersing Harbour Centre
Mersing Harbour Centre

Even those going to Pulau Rawa, Besar or Dayang will do well to stop by at Mersing Harbour Centre prior, because the building is an absolute must-see and must-do tourism hot-spot.

As it happens, bookings for a huge range of services are available at Mersing Harbour Centre, including transport in and out of the Mersing area. The ferry to Tioman tradtionally attracts the biggest crowds, so reserving your ferry early makes good sense.

Embrace your inner Tarzan and Jane
Embrace your inner Tarzan and Jane

If you prefer good old terra firm and you've always wanted to experience a real jungle adventure, then you'll be pleased to know that you can now embrace your inner Tarzan or Jane. Enjoy!

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