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Bus to Mersing

There are quite a few buses and/or coaches that travel to and from Mersing. Arguably, the biggest source of visitors to Mersing and its holiday islands are Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, resulting in several bus services to and from Mersing to these locations.

Online bookings for guaranteed seats
Online bookings for guaranteed seats

But places like Melacca and Kuantan also bring in a steady stream of Mersing and Tioman holiday revelers, so buse routes are available from there to Mersing too.

Want to book your bus to Mersing now? Use below reservation form. Your confirmation will be sent to your email address a few seconds after sending your booking.

Enjoy up to 20% discount when you book online

To change your departing location, just select another location from the dropdown.

By the way: Peak season is ! Booking your tickets early is recommended.

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