Current time Mersing Harbour Centre:
Q: How do I get to Tioman by bus or taxi? Can you give me directions, because I'm driving to Mersing.
A: Click here if your going to Mersing Harbour Centre by bus. Click here if you're going to Mersing by taxi. Driving your own car? Use the following roadsigns to find Mersing Harbour Centre: "Jeti Penumpang Mersing" or "Jalan Abu Bakar". Or set your navigational device to the coordinates 2.4347434 and 103.8394687.
Q: Can I park my car at Mersing?
A: Mersing offers a manned car park directly opposite Mersing Harbour Centre, albeit a mostly uncovered one. However, it's in demand so you need to arrive quite early to secure a spot. Cost of parking at this car park is up to 20 MR per day. The car park opens at 8 am. Email us if you'd like to try and secure a slot for your car in advance.
By the way, there's an alternative and fairly new car park in Mersing that can be used also. This car park is manned as well, so a suitable fall-back option should the first option car park be full. Email us if you'd like to alert this alternative car park of your parking dates.
Q: Can I book my hotel at this site?
A: Yes, you can. Just click the picture of the hotel you want to book. (Or just click here). You can then see more details about that hotel. And you can also proceed with your booking. Payment is by credit card or by PayPal.
Q: How far is Mersing Harbour Centre from the town of Mersing?
A: Depending on which hotel you're staying, Mersing Harbour Centre is about a 10 minute stroll. You can also take a local taxi. These charge about 20-30 Ringgit per trip.
Q: Where do I disembark the bus when it has reached Mersing.
A: Some of the bus operators stop at the bus terminal in Mersing. Others stop right at Mersing Harbour Centre. Most buses also go to Tanjung Gemuk, so if you're departing from there, just stay on the bus until it has reached the Tanjung Gemuk ferry terminal, which is about 30 minutes further up north from Mersing. If you're not sure, just ask the bus driver.
Q: Is there an ATM in Mersing?
A: Yes, there are quite a few, so no worries there.
Q: Is Mersing the only place that offers a ferry service to Tioman? Can I take a ferry to Tioman direct from Singapore?
A: There used to be a direct ferry from Singapore to Tioman. However, this service was dicontinued in 2005. No reasons were given at the time. Botom line, the only remaining ferry to Tioman is from Mersing. That said, there's another ferry terminal located in Tanjung Gemuk. Want to depart from this terminal, then you can click here.
Q: Do I have to book the ferry and bus in advance or can I get tickets at the bus and ferry counter?
A: As the number of hotels and resorts in Tioman has increased considerably the past few years, it would be advisable to book bus and ferry tickets in advance. There are always plenty of cases of travelers having booked a room in one of Tioman's hotels but unable to get to the hotel, due to the bus or ferry being fully booked.
Q: My bus from KL arrives in Mersing at 4.30 am. Will I be able to get some breakfast and a cup of coffee?
A: Yes, there are quite a few Mersing eateries that are open 24 hours.
Q: Can I go to Mersing and Tioman in December?
A: Whilst Mersing and Tioman remain open for business during the Northeast monsoon months, it's not really the best time to go. The weather is likely to be cool, gloomy and blustery. The best months for a holiday off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia are February/March to October/November.